
⚠️ This module is not part of this project and is only included for reference.
It is either part of the 1lab, the cubical library, or a built-in Agda module.

open import 1Lab.Path.Reasoning
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Algebra.Group.Cat.Base
open import Algebra.Group.Concrete
open import Algebra.Group.Ab

open import Cat.Functor.Equivalence
open import Cat.Morphism

open import Data.Set.Truncation

open import Homotopy.Space.Delooping
open import Homotopy.Connectedness
open import Homotopy.Space.Circle

open ConcreteGroup

module Algebra.Group.Concrete.Abelian where

# Concrete abelian groups {defines="concrete-abelian-group"}

A **concrete [[abelian group]]** is, unsurprisingly, a [[concrete group]] in which
concatenation of loops at the base point is commutative.

module _ {} (G : ConcreteGroup ) where
  is-concrete-abelian : Type 
  is-concrete-abelian =  (p q : pt G  pt G)  p  q  q  p

This is a property:

  open ConcreteGroup G using (H-Level-B)

  is-concrete-abelian-is-prop : is-prop is-concrete-abelian
  is-concrete-abelian-is-prop = hlevel 1

As an easy consequence, in an abelian group $\B{G}$, we can fill any square
that has equal opposite sides.

    : is-concrete-abelian
     {x :  B G }  (p q : x  x)  Square p q q p
  concrete-abelian→square ab {x} = connected∙-elim-prop
    {P = λ x  (p q : x  x)  Square p q q p}
    (G .has-is-connected)
    (hlevel 1)
     p q  commutes→square (ab p q))

Still unsurprisingly, the delooping of an abelian group is abelian.

  :  {} {G : Group }
   is-commutative-group G  is-concrete-abelian (Concrete G)
Deloop-abelian G-ab = ∙-comm _ G-ab

The circle is another example, being the delooping of $\mathbb{Z}$.

  :  {} {G : ConcreteGroup }
   is-commutative-group (π₁B G)  is-concrete-abelian G
π₁-abelian→abelian {G = G} π₁G-ab = subst is-concrete-abelian
  (Concrete≃Abstract.η G)
  (Deloop-abelian π₁G-ab)

S¹-concrete-abelian : is-concrete-abelian S¹-concrete
S¹-concrete-abelian = π₁-abelian→abelian {G = S¹-concrete}
  (subst is-commutative-group
    (sym π₁S¹≡ℤ)
    (Abelian→Group-on-abelian (ℤ-ab .snd)))

## First abelian group cohomology

When $H$ is a concrete abelian group, something interesting happens: for any
other concrete group $G$, the set of pointed maps $\B{G} \to^\bullet \B{H}$ (i.e.
group homomorphisms from $G$ to $H$) turns out to be equivalent to the
[[set truncation]] of the type of *un*pointed maps, $\|\B{G} \to \B{H}\|_0$.

This is a special case of a theorem that relates this set truncation with the set
of orbits of the action of the *inner automorphism group* of $H$ on the set of group
homomorphisms $\B{G} \to^\bullet \B{H}$. We do not prove this here, but see
[@Symmetry, theorem 5.12.2]. In the special case that $H$ is abelian, its inner
automorphism group is trivial, and we can avoid quotienting.

In even fancier language, it is also a computation of the first *cohomology group*
of $G$ with coefficients in $H$, hence we adopt the notation
$H^1(G, H) = \|\B{G} \to \B{H}\|_0$.

H¹[_,_] :  { ℓ'}  ConcreteGroup   ConcreteGroup ℓ'  Type (  ℓ')
H¹[ G , H ] =  ( B G    B H ) ∥₀

First, note that there is always a natural map $(\B{G} \to^\bullet \B{H}) \to
H^1(G, H)$ that just forgets the pointing path.

  :  { ℓ'} (G : ConcreteGroup ) (H : ConcreteGroup ℓ')
   (B G →∙ B H)  H¹[ G , H ]
class G H (f , _) = inc f

Now assume $H$ is abelian; we will show that this map is injective and surjective,
so that it is an equivalence of sets.

module _ { ℓ'}
  (G : ConcreteGroup )
  (H : ConcreteGroup ℓ') (H-ab : is-concrete-abelian H)
  open ConcreteGroup H using (H-Level-B)

Surjectivity is the easy part: since $H$ is connected, every map is merely
homotopic to a pointed map.

  class-surjective : is-surjective (class G H)
  class-surjective = ∥-∥₀-elim  _  hlevel 2) λ f  do
    ptf  H .has-is-connected (f (pt G))
    inc ((f , ptf) , refl)

For injectivity, we restrict our attention to the case of two pointed maps whose
underlying maps are *definitionally* equal. In other words, we prove that any
two pointings of $f$ (say $p, q : f(\point{G}) \equiv \point{H}$) yield
equal *pointed* maps.

In order to define our underlying homotopy, we proceed by induction: since
$G$ is a pointed connected type, it suffices to give a path $\alpha :
f(\point{G}) \equiv f(\point{G})$ and to show that every loop $l : \point{G}
\equiv \point{G}$ respects this identification, in the sense of the
following square:

  {f(\point{G})} & {f(\point{G})} \\
  {f(\point{G})} & {f(\point{G})}
  \arrow["{\alpha}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
  \arrow["{\alpha}"', from=2-1, to=2-2]
  \arrow["{f(l)}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
  \arrow["{f(l)}", from=1-2, to=2-2]

Since our homotopy additionally has to be *pointed*, we know that we must have
$\alpha = p \bullet q^{-1}$. This is where the fact that $H$ is abelian
comes in: the above square has equal opposite sides, so it automatically commutes.

    :  f  (p q : f (pt G)  pt H)
     Path (B G →∙ B H) (f , p) (f , q)
  class-injective f p q = Σ-pathp
    (funext E.elim)
    (transpose (symP (∙→square'' E.elim-β-point)))
      α : f (pt G)  f (pt G)
      α = p  sym q

      coh :  (l : pt G  pt G)  Square (ap f l) α α (ap f l)
      coh l = concrete-abelian→square H H-ab (ap f l) α

      module E = connected∙-elim-set {P = λ g  f g  f g}
        (G .has-is-connected) (hlevel 2) α coh

By a quick path induction, we can conclude that `class`{.Agda} is an equivalence
between sets.

  class-is-equiv : is-equiv (class G H)
  class-is-equiv = injective-surjective→is-equiv! (inj _ _) class-surjective
      inj :  f g  class G H f  class G H g  f  g
      inj (f , ptf) (g , ptg) f≡g = ∥-∥-rec
        (ConcreteGroups-Hom-set G H _ _)
         f≡g  J  g _   ptg  (f , ptf)  (g , ptg))
                   (class-injective f ptf)
                   f≡g ptg)
        (∥-∥₀ f≡g)

    : (B G →∙ B H)  H¹[ G , H ]
    = class G H , class-is-equiv

Translating this across our equivalence of categories gives a similar statement
for abstract groups.

module _ {}
  (G : Group )
  (H : Group ) (H-ab : is-commutative-group H)

  Deloop-hom-equiv : (Deloop∙ G →∙ Deloop∙ H)  Hom (Groups ) G H
  Deloop-hom-equiv = ff+split-eso→hom-equiv π₁F
     {G} {H}  π₁F-is-ff {_} {G} {H})
    G H .snd .snd

    : H¹[ Concrete G , Concrete H ]  Hom (Groups ) G H
  first-abelian-group-cohomology =
      (Concrete G) (Concrete H) (Deloop-abelian H-ab) e⁻¹
    ∙e Deloop-hom-equiv