
⚠️ This module is not part of this project and is only included for reference.
It is either part of the 1lab, the cubical library, or a built-in Agda module.

open import 1Lab.HLevel.Retracts
open import 1Lab.HLevel.Universe
open import 1Lab.Resizing
open import 1Lab.HLevel
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

module 1Lab.Underlying where

-- Notation class for types which have a chosen projection into a
-- universe, i.e. a preferred "underlying type".
record Underlying {} (T : Type ) : Typeω where
    ℓ-underlying : Level
    ⌞_⌟          : T  Type ℓ-underlying

open Underlying  ...  using (⌞_⌟) public
open Underlying using (ℓ-underlying)

-- Workaround for Agda bug —
-- the principal (instance) argument is reified as visible, so we can
-- drop it using a display form.
{-# DISPLAY Underlying.⌞_⌟ f x =  x  #-}

-- For universes, we use the standard notion of "underlying type".

  Underlying-Type :  {}  Underlying (Type )
  Underlying-Type {} .ℓ-underlying = 
  Underlying-Type .⌞_⌟ x = x

  Underlying-n-Type :  { n}  Underlying (n-Type  n)
  Underlying-n-Type {} .ℓ-underlying = 
  Underlying-n-Type .⌞_⌟ x =  x 

  Underlying-prop : Underlying Ω
  Underlying-prop .ℓ-underlying = lzero
  Underlying-prop .⌞_⌟ x =  x 

  -- Lifting instances: for Σ-types, we think of (Σ A B) as "A with
  -- B-structure", so the underlying type is that of A; For Lift, there
  -- is no choice.
    :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}
      ua : Underlying A 
     Underlying (Σ A B)
  Underlying-Σ  ua  .ℓ-underlying = ua .ℓ-underlying
  Underlying-Σ .⌞_⌟ x               =  x .fst 

    :  { ℓ'} {A : Type }  ua : Underlying A 
     Underlying (Lift ℓ' A)
  Underlying-Lift  ua  .ℓ-underlying = ua .ℓ-underlying
  Underlying-Lift .⌞_⌟ x =  x .Lift.lower 

-- The converse of to-is-true, generalised slightly. If P and Q are
-- identical inhabitants of some type of structured types, and Q's
-- underlying type is contractible, then P is inhabited. P's underlying
-- type is obviously also contractible, but adding this as an instance
-- would ruin type inference (I tried.)
  :  {} {A : Type }  _ : Underlying A  {P Q : A}  _ : H-Level  Q  0 
   P  Q
from-is-true prf = subst ⌞_⌟ (sym prf) (hlevel 0 .centre)

-- Generalised "membership" notation.
_∈_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {P : Type ℓ'}  u : Underlying P 
     A  (A  P)  Type (u .ℓ-underlying)
x  P =  P x 

-- Generalised "total space" notation.
  :  { ℓ'} {X : Type } {P : Type ℓ'}  u : Underlying P 
   (X  P)  Type _
∫ₚ P = Σ _ (_∈ P)

-- Notation class for type families which are "function-like" (always
-- nondependent). Slight generalisation of the homs of concrete
-- categories.
  Funlike { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (F : A  B  Type ℓ'') : Typeω where
  infixl 999 _#_

    -- The domain and codomain of F must both support an underlying-type
    -- projection, which is determined by the F.
    overlap  au  : Underlying A
    overlap  bu  : Underlying B

    -- The underlying function (infix).
    _#_ :  {A B}  F A B   A    B 

open Funlike  ...  using (_#_) public
{-# DISPLAY Funlike._#_ p f x = f # x #-}

-- Sections of the _#_ operator tend to be badly-behaved since they
-- introduce an argument x : ⌞ ?0 ⌟ whose Underlying instance meta
-- "mutually blocks" the Funlike instance meta. Use the prefix version
-- instead.
  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {F : A  B  Type ℓ''}
    _ : Funlike F 
    {a b}  F a b   a    b 
apply = _#_

-- Shortcut for ap (apply ...)
  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {F : A  B  Type ℓ''}
    _ : Funlike F 
    {a : A} {b : B} (f : F a b)   {x y :  a }  x  y  f # x  f # y
ap# f = ap (apply f)

-- Generalised happly.
  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {F : A  B  Type ℓ''}
    _ : Funlike F 
   {a : A} {b : B} {f g : F a b}  f  g   (x :  a )  f # x  g # x
f #ₚ x = ap₂ _#_ f refl

  -- Agda really dislikes inferring the level parameters here.
    :  { ℓ'}
     Funlike {lsuc } {lsuc ℓ'} {  ℓ'} {Type } {Type ℓ'} λ x y  x  y
  Funlike-Fun = record
    { _#_ = _$_