
⚠️ This module is not part of this project and is only included for reference.
It is either part of the 1lab, the cubical library, or a built-in Agda module.

open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Data.Nat.Properties

open import Homotopy.Connectedness

module Homotopy.Connectedness.Automation where

# Automation

Just like for [h-levels], we can leverage Agda's instance search to make
proving things about $n$-[[connected]] types easier.
The only difference is that the offsetting goes the other way, since
connectedness is *downwards*-closed.

[h-levels]: 1Lab.HLevel.Retracts.html#automation

record Connected {} (T : Type ) (n : Nat) : Type  where
  constructor conn-instance
    has-n-connected : is-n-connected T n

n-connected :  {} {T : Type } n  x : Connected T n   is-n-connected T n
n-connected n  c  = Connected.has-n-connected c

  :  {} {T : Type } n {k}
   is-n-connected T (n + k)  Connected T n
basic-conn-instance {T = T} n {k} c = conn-instance (is-connected-+ n k
  (subst (is-n-connected T) (+-commutative n k) c))

connected :  {} {T : Type }   Connected T 2 
    (a b : T)   a  b 
connected  conn-instance c  a b =
  n-connected-∥-∥.to 2 c .snd a b .fst

simply-connected :  {} {T : Type }   Connected T 3 
    {a b : T} (p q : a  b)   p  q 
simply-connected  conn-instance c  {a} {b} p q =
  n-connected-∥-∥.to 3 c .snd a b .snd p q .fst

  :  {} {A : Type }  is-contr A
    {n}  is-n-connected-∥-∥ A n
is-contr→is-connected c {zero} = _
is-contr→is-connected c {suc n} .fst = inc (c .centre)
is-contr→is-connected c {suc n} .snd _ _ =
  is-contr→is-connected (Path-is-hlevel 0 c)

  -- Note that this overlaps with other instances, but Agda doesn't mind
  -- because all instances of Connected A 0 are equal!
  0-Connected :  {} {A : Type }  Connected A 0
  0-Connected = _

  Connected-⊤ :  {n}  Connected  n
  Connected-⊤ {n} = conn-instance (n-connected-∥-∥.from n
    (is-contr→is-connected (hlevel 0)))

    :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {n}
      Connected A n    Connected B n 
     Connected (A × B) n
  Connected-× {n = n}  conn-instance ac   conn-instance bc  = conn-instance
    (×-is-n-connected n ac bc)

    :  {} {A : Type } {x y : A} {n}
      Connected A (suc n) 
     Connected (Path A x y) n
  Connected-Path {n = n}  conn-instance ac  = conn-instance
    (Path-is-connected n ac)