
⚠️ This module is not part of this project and is only included for reference.
It is either part of the 1lab, the cubical library, or a built-in Agda module.

{-# OPTIONS -vtactic.hlevel:10 #-}
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Algebra.Group.Homotopy

open import Data.List using (_∷_ ; [])

open import Homotopy.Space.Suspension
open import Homotopy.Space.Sphere

module Homotopy.Base where

# Synthetic homotopy theory

This module contains the basic definitions for the study of synthetic
homotopy theory. Synthetic homotopy theory is the name given to studying
$\infty$-groupoids in their own terms, i.e., the application of homotopy type
theory to computing homotopy invariants of spaces. Central to the theory
is the concept of [[pointed type]] and [[pointed map]]. After all, [homotopy
groups] are no more than the set-truncations of n-fold iterated loop
spaces, and loop spaces are always relative to a basepoint.

[homotopy groups]: Algebra.Group.Homotopy.html

A helper that will come in handy is `Σ∙`{.Agda}, which attaches the
north pole as the basepoint of the suspended space.

Σ∙ :  {}  Type∙   Type∙ 
Σ∙ A = Susp∙ (A .fst)

Ω∙ :  {}  Type∙   Type∙ 
Ω∙ (A , a) = Path A a a , refl

## The suspension-loop space adjunction

An important stepping stone in calculating loop spaces of higher types
is the _suspension-loop space_ [[adjunction]]: basepoint-preserving maps
_from_ a suspension are the same thing as basepoint-preserving maps
_into_ a loop space. We construct the equivalence in two steps, but both
halves are constructed in elementary terms.

First, we'll prove that

(\Sigma A \to_* B) \simeq \left(\sum_{b_s : B} A \to b_0 \equiv b_s\right),

which is slightly involved, but not too much. The actual equivalence is
very straightforward to construct, but proving that the two maps
`Σ-map→loops` and `loops→Σ-map` are inverses involves nontrivial path

module _ { ℓ'} {A∙@(A , a₀) : Type∙ } {B∙@(B , b₀) : Type∙ ℓ'} where
  Σ-map∙→loops : (Σ∙ A∙ →∙ B∙)  (Σ _ λ bs  A  b₀  bs)
  Σ-map∙→loops f .fst   = f .fst S
  Σ-map∙→loops f .snd a = sym (f .snd)  ap (f .fst) (merid a)

  loops→Σ-map∙ : (Σ _ λ bs  A  b₀  bs)  (Σ∙ A∙ →∙ B∙)
  loops→Σ-map∙ pair .fst N           = b₀
  loops→Σ-map∙ pair .fst S           = pair .fst
  loops→Σ-map∙ pair .fst (merid x i) = pair .snd x i
  loops→Σ-map∙ pair .snd = refl

The construction for turning a family of loops into a
basepoint-preserving map into $\Omega B$ is even simpler, perhaps
because these are almost definitionally the same thing.

  loops→map∙-Ω : (Σ _ λ bs  A  b₀  bs)  (A∙ →∙ Ω∙ B∙)
  loops→map∙-Ω (b , l) .fst a = l a  sym (l a₀)
  loops→map∙-Ω (b , l) .snd   = ∙-invr (l a₀)

  map∙-Ω→loops : (A∙ →∙ Ω∙ B∙)  (Σ _ λ bs  A  b₀  bs)
  map∙-Ω→loops (f , _) .fst = b₀
  map∙-Ω→loops (f , _) .snd = f

<summary>The path algebra for showing these are both pairs of inverse
equivalences is not very interesting, so I've kept it hidden.</summary>

  Σ-map∙≃loops : (Σ∙ A∙ →∙ B∙)  (Σ _ λ b  A  b₀  b)
  Σ-map∙≃loops = Iso→Equiv (Σ-map∙→loops , iso loops→Σ-map∙ invr invl) where
    invr : is-right-inverse loops→Σ-map∙ Σ-map∙→loops
    invr (p , q) = Σ-pathp refl $ funext λ a  ∙-idl (q a)

    invl : is-left-inverse loops→Σ-map∙ Σ-map∙→loops
    invl (f , pres) i = funext f' i , λ j  pres (~ i  j) where
      f' : (a : Susp A)  loops→Σ-map∙ (Σ-map∙→loops (f , pres)) .fst a  f a
      f' N = sym pres
      f' S = refl
      f' (merid x i) j = ∙-filler₂ (sym pres) (ap f (merid x)) j i

  loops≃map∙-Ω : (Σ _ λ bs  A  b₀  bs)  (A∙ →∙ Ω∙ B∙)
  loops≃map∙-Ω = Iso→Equiv (loops→map∙-Ω , iso map∙-Ω→loops invr invl) where
    lemma' :  {} {A : Type } {x : A} (q : x  x) (r : refl  q)
            ap  p  q  sym p) r  ∙-invr q  ∙-idr q  sym r
    lemma' q r =
      J  q' r  ap  p  q'  sym p) r  ∙-invr q'  ∙-idr q'  sym r)
        (∙-idl _  sym (∙-idr _))

    invr : is-right-inverse map∙-Ω→loops loops→map∙-Ω
    invr (b , x) = Σ-pathp (funext  a  ap₂ _∙_ refl (ap sym x)  ∙-idr _)) (to-pathp (subst-path-left _ _  lemma)) where
      lemma =
         sym (ap₂ _∙_ refl (ap sym x)  ∙-idr (b a₀))   ∙-invr (b a₀)          ≡⟨ ap! (sym-∙ (sym _) _) 
        (sym (∙-idr (b a₀))  ap (b a₀ ∙_) (ap sym (sym x)))  ∙-invr (b a₀)      ≡⟨ sym (∙-assoc _ _ _) 
        sym (∙-idr (b a₀))   ap  p  b a₀  sym p) (sym x)  ∙-invr (b a₀)   ≡⟨ ap! (lemma' (b a₀) (sym x)) 
        sym (∙-idr (b a₀))  ∙-idr (b a₀)  x                                     ≡⟨ ∙-cancell _ _ 

    invl : is-left-inverse map∙-Ω→loops loops→map∙-Ω
    invl (f , p) = Σ-pathp (p a₀) $ to-pathp $ funext $ λ x 
        subst-path-right _ _  sym (∙-assoc _ _ _)
       ap₂ _∙_ refl (∙-invl (p a₀))  ∙-idr _
       ap p (transport-refl x)

Composing these equivalences, we get the adjunction:

(\Sigma A \to_* B) \simeq (A \to* \Omega B).

  Σ-map∙≃map∙-Ω : (Σ∙ A∙ →∙ B∙)  (A∙ →∙ Ωⁿ 1 B∙)
  Σ-map∙≃map∙-Ω = Σ-map∙≃loops ∙e loops≃map∙-Ω

### Loop spaces are equivalently based maps out of spheres

Repeatedly applying the equivalence we just built, we can build an

(S^n \to_* A) \simeq (\Sigma S^{n - 1} \to_* \Omega A) \simeq ... \simeq \Omega^n A,

thus characterising $n$-fold loop spaces as basepoint-preserving maps
out of $S^n$, the $n$-dimensional sphere.

reassoc-Ω :  {} {A : Type∙ } n  Ωⁿ n (Ω∙ A)  Ωⁿ (suc n) A
reassoc-Ω zero = refl
reassoc-Ω {A = A} (suc n) =
  Ωⁿ 1 (Ωⁿ n (Ωⁿ 1 A)) ≡⟨ ap (Ωⁿ 1) (reassoc-Ω n) 
  Ωⁿ 1 (Ωⁿ (suc n) A)  

As a special case, in the zeroth dimension, we conclude that $(2 \to_*
A) \equiv A$, i.e., basepoint-preserving maps from the booleans (based
at either point) are the same thing as points of $A$.

Ωⁿ≃Sⁿ-map :  {} {A : Type∙ } n  (Sⁿ n →∙ A)  Ωⁿ n A .fst
Ωⁿ≃Sⁿ-map {A = A} zero    = Iso→Equiv (from , iso to  _  refl) invr) where
  to : A .fst  ((Susp  , N) →∙ A)
  to x .fst N = A .snd
  to x .fst S = x
  to x .snd = refl

  from : ((Susp  , N) →∙ A)  A .fst
  from f = f .fst S

  invr : is-right-inverse from to
  invr (x , p) = Σ-pathp (funext  { N  sym p ; S  refl })) λ i j  p (~ i  j)

Ωⁿ≃Sⁿ-map {A = A} (suc n) =
  (Σ∙ (Susp _ , N) →∙ A)          ≃⟨ Σ-map∙≃map∙-Ω 
  ((Susp (Sⁿ⁻¹ n) , N) →∙ Ωⁿ 1 A) ≃⟨ Ωⁿ≃Sⁿ-map n 
  Ωⁿ n (Ωⁿ 1 A) .fst              ≃⟨ path→equiv (ap fst (reassoc-Ω n)) 
  Ωⁿ (suc n) A .fst               ≃∎