
⚠️ This module is not part of this project and is only included for reference.
It is either part of the 1lab, the cubical library, or a built-in Agda module.

open import 1Lab.Path.Cartesian
open import 1Lab.HLevel
open import 1Lab.Equiv
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

module 1Lab.Type.Pi where

private variable
   ℓ₁ : Level
  A B C D : Type 
  P Q : A  Type 

# Properties of Π types

This module contains properties of dependent function types, not necessarily
organised in any way.

## Closure under equivalences

Univalence automatically implies that every type former respects
equivalences. However, this theorem is limited to equivalences between
types _in the same universe_. Thus, there are functions to perturb the
codomain of a dependent function by an equivalence across universe levels:

Π-cod≃ : ((x : A)  P x  Q x)  ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : A)  Q x)
Π-cod≃ k .fst f x = k x .fst (f x)
Π-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .centre .fst x   = equiv-centre (k x) (f x) .fst
Π-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .centre .snd i x = equiv-centre (k x) (f x) .snd i
Π-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .paths (g , p) i .fst x =
  equiv-path (k x) (f x) (g x , λ j  p j x) i .fst
Π-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .paths (g , p) i .snd j x =
  equiv-path (k x) (f x) (g x , λ k  p k x) i .snd j

Π-dom≃ : (e : B  A)  ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : B)  P (e .fst x))
Π-dom≃ {P = P} e =
  Iso→Equiv λ where
    .fst k x  k (e .fst x)
    .snd .is-iso.inv k x  subst P (e.ε x) (k (e.from x))
    .snd .is-iso.rinv k  funext λ x 
        ap₂ (subst P) (sym (e.zig x))
          (sym (from-pathp (symP (ap k (e.η x)))))
       transport⁻transport (ap P (ap (e .fst) (sym (e.η x)))) (k x)
    .snd .is-iso.linv k  funext λ x 
      ap (subst P _) (sym (from-pathp (symP (ap k (e.ε x)))))
       transport⁻transport (sym (ap P (e.ε x))) _
  where module e = Equiv e

Π-impl-cod≃ : ((x : A)  P x  Q x)  ({x : A}  P x)  ({x : A}  Q x)
Π-impl-cod≃ k .fst f {x} = k x .fst (f {x})
Π-impl-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .centre .fst {x}   = equiv-centre (k x) (f {x}) .fst
Π-impl-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .centre .snd i {x} = equiv-centre (k x) (f {x}) .snd i
Π-impl-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .paths (g , p) i .fst {x} =
  equiv-path (k x) (f {x}) (g {x} , λ j  p j {x}) i .fst
Π-impl-cod≃ k .snd .is-eqv f .paths (g , p) i .snd j {x} =
  equiv-path (k x) (f {x}) (g {x} , λ k  p k {x}) i .snd j

For non-dependent functions, we can easily perturb both domain and

function≃ : (A  B)  (C  D)  (A  C)  (B  D)
function≃ dom rng = Iso→Equiv the-iso where
  rng-iso = is-equiv→is-iso (rng .snd)
  dom-iso = is-equiv→is-iso (dom .snd)

  the-iso : Iso _ _
  the-iso .fst f x = rng .fst (f (dom-iso .is-iso.inv x))
  the-iso .snd .is-iso.inv f x = rng-iso .is-iso.inv (f (dom .fst x))
  the-iso .snd .is-iso.rinv f =
    funext λ x  rng-iso .is-iso.rinv _
                ap f (dom-iso .is-iso.rinv _)
  the-iso .snd .is-iso.linv f =
    funext λ x  rng-iso .is-iso.linv _
                ap f (dom-iso .is-iso.linv _)

## Dependent funext

When the domain and codomain are simple types (rather than a higher
shape), paths in function spaces are characterised by `funext`{.Agda}.
We can generalise this to `funext-dep`, in which the domain and codomain
are allowed to be lines of types:

  :  {A : Type } {B : A  I  Type ℓ₁}
   {f :  a  B a i0} {g :  a  B a i1}
   (∀ a  PathP (B a) (f a) (g a))
   PathP  i   a  B a i) f g
funextP p i x = p x i

  :  {A : I  Type } {B : (i : I)  A i  Type ℓ₁} {f g}
   (  {x₀ x₁} (p : PathP A x₀ x₁)
     PathP  i  B i (p i)) (f x₀) (g x₁) )
   PathP  i  (x : A i)  B i x) f g
funext-dep {A = A} {B} h i x =
  transp  k  B i (coei→i A i x k)) (i  ~ i)
    (h  j  coe A i j x) i)

A slightly wonky cubical argument shows that this function is an
equivalence. The complication comes from `coe` not being definitionally
the identity when staying at a variable point in the interval.

  : {A : I  Type } {B : (i : I)  A i  Type ℓ₁}
    {f : (x : A i0)  B i0 x} {g : (x : A i1)  B i1 x}

   ( {x₀ : A i0} {x₁ : A i1} (p : PathP A x₀ x₁)
     PathP  i  B i (p i)) (f x₀) (g x₁)
   PathP  i  (x : A i)  B i x) f g

funext-dep≃ {A = A} {B} {f} {g} = Iso→Equiv isom where
  open is-iso
  isom : Iso _ _
  isom .fst = funext-dep
  isom .snd .is-iso.inv q p i = q i (p i)

  isom .snd .rinv q m i x =
    transp  k  B i (coei→i A i x (k  m))) (m  i  ~ i) (q i (coei→i A i x m))

  isom .snd .linv h m p i =
    transp  k  B i (lemi→i m k)) (m  i  ~ i) (h  j  lemi→j j m) i)
      lemi→j :  j  coe A i j (p i)  p j
      lemi→j j k = coe-path A  i  p i) i j k

      lemi→i : PathP  m  lemi→j i m  p i) (coei→i A i (p i)) refl
      lemi→i m k = coei→i A i (p i) (m  k)

  : {A : I  Type } {B : (i : I)  Type ℓ₁}
    {f : A i0  B i0} {g : A i1  B i1}

   ({x₀ : A i0} {x₁ : A i1}  PathP A x₀ x₁  PathP B (f x₀) (g x₁))
   ((x₀ : A i0)  PathP B (f x₀) (g (coe0→1 A x₀)))

hetero-homotopy≃homotopy {A = A} {B} {f} {g} = Iso→Equiv isom where
  open is-iso
  isom : Iso _ _
  isom .fst h x₀ = h (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .centre .snd)
  isom .snd .inv k {x₀} {x₁} p =
    subst  fib  PathP B (f x₀) (g (fib .fst))) (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .paths (x₁ , p)) (k x₀)

  isom .snd .rinv k = funext λ x₀ 
    ap  α  subst  fib  PathP B (f x₀) (g (fib .fst))) α (k x₀))
      (is-prop→is-set SinglP-is-prop (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .centre) _
        (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .paths (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .centre))
     transport-refl (k x₀)

  isom .snd .linv h j {x₀} {x₁} p =
       i  PathP B (f x₀) (g (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .paths (x₁ , p) (i  j) .fst)))
      (h (SinglP-is-contr A x₀ .paths (x₁ , p) j .snd))

  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {C :  x  B x  Type ℓ''}
      {f g :  x y  C x y}
   (∀ i j  f i j  g i j)
   f  g
funext² p i x y = p x y i

  :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}
      {f00 f01 f10 f11 : (a : A)  B a}
      {p : f00  f01}
      {q : f00  f10}
      {s : f01  f11}
      {r : f10  f11}
   (∀ a  Square (p $ₚ a) (q $ₚ a) (s $ₚ a) (r $ₚ a))
   Square p q s r
funext-square p i j a = p a i j

  :  { ℓ'} {B : Lift    Type ℓ'}
   (∀ a  B a)  B _
Π-⊤-eqv .fst b = b _
Π-⊤-eqv .snd = is-iso→is-equiv λ where
  .is-iso.inv b _  b
  .is-iso.rinv b  refl
  .is-iso.linv b  refl

  :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}
   (c : is-contr A)
   (∀ a  B a)  B (c .centre)
Π-contr-eqv c .fst b = b (c .centre)
Π-contr-eqv {B = B} c .snd = is-iso→is-equiv λ where
  .is-iso.inv b a  subst B (c .paths a) b
  .is-iso.rinv b  ap  e  subst B e b) (is-contr→is-set c _ _ _ _)  transport-refl b
  .is-iso.linv b  funext λ a  from-pathp (ap b (c .paths a))

  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {C : A  B  Type ℓ''}
   (∀ a b  C a b)  (∀ b a  C a b)
flip f b a = f a b