
open import 1Lab.Prelude

-- The identity function on homogeneous types "factors" through the propositional truncation
-- (
module Untruncate where

point :  {} (X : Type )  X  Type∙ 
point X x = X , x

is-homogeneous :  {}  Type   Type (lsuc )
is-homogeneous X =  x y  point X x  point X y

  :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   (f : A  B)
   (b : B)
   (∀ x  b  f x)
    A   B
∥-∥-rec-const {A = A} {B} f b f-const x =
  ∥-∥-elim {P = λ _  Singleton b}  _  is-contr→is-prop (contr _ Singleton-is-contr))
     x  f x , f-const x) x .fst

module old {} (X : Type ) (x : X) (hom : is-homogeneous X) where
  point' :  X   Type∙ 
  point' = ∥-∥-rec-const (point X) (point X x) (hom x)

  myst : (x :  X )  point' x .fst
  myst x = point' x .snd

  _ : myst  inc  id
  _ = refl

-- Simplification by David Wärn
module new { : Level} {X : Type } where
  fam :  X   n-Type  0
  fam = rec! λ x  el! (Singleton x)

  magic : X  X
  magic = fst  centre  is-tr  fam  inc

  _ : magic  id
  _ = refl