
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Data.Dec
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Closure

module Probability where

-- “I have two children, (at least) one of whom is a boy born on a Tuesday -
-- what is the probability that both children are boys?”

-- Simplifying assumptions: gender is binary; gender and day of birth are
-- uniformly distributed.
Gender = Fin 2
Day = Fin 7
Child = Fin 2

Sample = Child  Day × Gender

count : (A : Sample  Type)    {s}  Finite (A s)   Nat
count A = cardinality {T = Σ Sample A}

  Finite-∥-∥ :  {} {A : Type }   Dec A   Finite  A 
  Finite-∥-∥ = fin (inc (Dec→Fin (hlevel 1) auto .snd e⁻¹))

condition : Sample  Type
condition s = ∃[ i  Child ] s i  (1 , 1)

event : Sample  Type
event s = (i : Child)  s i .snd  1

answer : Nat × Nat -- formal fraction
answer = count  s  event s × condition s) , count condition

_ : answer  (13 , 27)
_ = refl