
open import 1Lab.Type
open import 1Lab.Type.Sigma
open import 1Lab.Type.Pointed
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.HLevel
open import 1Lab.HLevel.Closure
open import 1Lab.Equiv

-- Univalence from object classifiers in the sense of higher topos theory.
module ObjectClassifier where

-- The type of arrows/bundles/fibrations.
Bundle :    Type (lsuc )
  = Σ (Type ) λ A
   Σ (Type ) λ B
   A  B

-- The standard pullback construction (HoTT book 2.15.11).
record Pullback { ℓ'} {B : Type } {C D : Type ℓ'} (s : B  D) (q : C  D) : Type (  ℓ') where
  constructor pb
    pb₁ : B
    pb₂ : C
    pbeq : s pb₁  q pb₂

open Pullback

pb-path :  { ℓ'} {B : Type } {C D : Type ℓ'} {s : B  D} {q : C  D}  {a b : Pullback s q}
         (p1 : a .pb₁  b .pb₁)  (p2 : a .pb₂  b .pb₂)  PathP  i  s (p1 i)  q (p2 i)) (a .pbeq) (b .pbeq)
         a  b
pb-path p1 p2 pe i = pb (p1 i) (p2 i) (pe i)

-- The morphisms of interest between bundles p : A → B and q : C → D are pairs
-- r : A → C, s : B → D that make a *pullback square*:
--                r
--           A ------> C
--           | ⯾       |
--         p |         | q
--           v         v
--           B ------> D
--                s
-- Rather than laboriously state the universal property of a pullback, we take it
-- on faith that the construction above has the universal property (this is
-- exercise 2.11 in the HoTT book) and simply define "being a pullback" as having
-- r and p factor through an equivalence A ≃ Pullback s q.
-- This completely determines r by the factorisation r = pb₂ ∘ e .fst, so we can
-- omit it by contractibility of singletons.
_⇒_ :  {} {ℓ'}  Bundle   Bundle ℓ'  Type (  ℓ')
(A , B , p)  (C , D , q)
  = Σ (B  D) λ s
   Σ (A  Pullback s q) λ e
   p  pb₁  e .fst

-- An object classifier is a *universal* bundle U∙ → U such that any other
-- bundle has a unique map (i.e. pullback square) into it.
-- Categorically, it is a terminal object in the category of arrows and pullback squares.
is-classifier :  {}  Bundle (lsuc )  Type (lsuc )
is-classifier {} u =  (p : Bundle )  is-contr (p  u)

-- The projection from the type of pointed types to the type of types is our
-- universal bundle: the fibre above A : Type ℓ is equivalent to A itself.
Type↓ :    Bundle (lsuc )
Type↓  = Type∙  , Type  , fst

Type↓-fibre :  {} (A : Type )  A  Pullback {B = Lift  } {C = Type∙ }  _  A) fst
Type↓-fibre A = Iso→Equiv λ where
  .fst a  pb _ (A , a) refl
  .snd .is-iso.inv (pb _ (A' , a) eq)  transport (sym eq) a
  .snd .is-iso.linv  transport-refl
  .snd .is-iso.rinv (pb _ (A' , a) eq)  pb-path refl (sym (Σ-path (sym eq) refl)) λ i j  eq (i  j)

  -- We assume that Type↓ is an object classifier in the sense above, and show that
  -- this makes it a univalent universe.
  Type↓-is-classifier :  {}  is-classifier (Type↓ )

-- Every type is trivially a bundle over the unit type.
! :  {}  Type   Bundle 
! A = A , Lift _  , _

-- The key observation is that the type of pullback squares from ! A to Type↓ is
-- equivalent to the type of types equipped with an equivalence to A.
-- Since the former was assumed to be contractible, so is the latter.
lemma :  {} (A : Type )  (! A  Type↓ )  Σ (Type )  B  A  B)
lemma {} A = Iso→Equiv λ where
  .fst (ty , e , _)  ty _ , e ∙e Type↓-fibre (ty _) e⁻¹
  .snd .is-iso.inv (B , e)   _  B) , e ∙e Type↓-fibre B , refl
  .snd .is-iso.linv (ty , e , _)  Σ-pathp refl (Σ-pathp (Σ-prop-path is-equiv-is-prop
    (funext λ _  Equiv.ε (Type↓-fibre (ty _)) _)) refl)
  .snd .is-iso.rinv (B , e)  Σ-pathp refl (Σ-prop-path is-equiv-is-prop
    (funext λ _  Equiv.η (Type↓-fibre B) _))

-- Equivalences form an identity system, which is another way to state univalence.
univalence :  {} (A : Type )  is-contr (Σ (Type ) λ B  A  B)
univalence {} A = Equiv→is-hlevel 0 (lemma A e⁻¹) (Type↓-is-classifier (! A))