
open import 1Lab.Prelude
open import Data.Dec
open import Data.Nat

A formalisation of,_goat_and_cabbage_problem
to demonstrate proof by reflection.
module Goat where

holds :  {} (A : Type )  _ : Dec A   Type
holds _  yes _  = 
holds _  no _  = 

data Side : Type where
  left right : Side

left≠right : ¬ left  right
left≠right p = subst  { left  ; right   }) p tt

  Discrete-Side : Discrete Side
  Discrete-Side {left} {left} = yes refl
  Discrete-Side {left} {right} = no left≠right
  Discrete-Side {right} {left} = no (left≠right  sym)
  Discrete-Side {right} {right} = yes refl

cross : Side  Side
cross left = right
cross right = left

record State : Type where
  constructor state
    farmer wolf goat cabbage : Side

open State

count-left : Side  Nat
count-left left = 1
count-left right = 0
count-lefts : State  Nat
count-lefts (state f w g c) = count-left f + count-left w + count-left g + count-left c

is-valid : State  Type
is-valid s@(state f w g c) = count-lefts s  2  f  g

record Valid-state : Type where
  constructor valid
    has-state : State
     has-valid  : holds (is-valid has-state)

open Valid-state

data Move : State  State  Type where
  go-alone :  {s}  Move s (record s { farmer = cross (s .farmer) })
  take-wolf :  {s}  Move s (record s { farmer = cross (s .farmer); wolf = cross (s .wolf) })
  take-goat :  {s}  Move s (record s { farmer = cross (s .farmer); goat = cross (s .goat) })
  take-cabbage :  {s}  Move s (record s { farmer = cross (s .farmer); cabbage = cross (s .cabbage) })

data Moves : Valid-state  Valid-state  Type where
  done :  {s}  Moves s s
  _∷_ :  {a b c}  _ : holds (is-valid b)   Move (a .has-state) b  Moves (valid b) c  Moves a c

infixr 6 _∷_

initial final : Valid-state
initial = valid (state left left left left)
final = valid (state right right right right)

goal : Moves initial final
goal = take-goat  go-alone  take-wolf  take-goat  take-cabbage  go-alone  take-goat  done
-- goal = {! take-wolf ∷ ? !} -- No instance of type holds (is-valid ...) was found in scope.